Origins and prehistory: remembering heroes from the past
Lawrence Nzuve
Prehistory as the study of the past; events and objects that shaped our history as we know it today is in no doubt a fascinating topic in today's life. The human person has an overwhelming desire to know how it was in those first moments when life came into being. The prehistory Club of Kenya has over the years taken an enviable role in this noble yet very important quest. Not just that though. The National Museums of Kenya under whose auspices the Club operates recently feted one of its retired employees with a rare recognition. Except that it was not just an ordinary recognition nor was it another ordinary retiree.
(Sitted from lt) Mr. Kamoya Kimeu, Dr. Miaron, Hon. Ntimama and Mrs Maina from Nairobi School and NMK DG, Dr. Farah ( rt standing) pose for a photo with Nairobi school students and another one of their teachers(pic courtesy of NMK)
Kamoya Kimeu is known the world over for his fossil discovery prowess and in particular for his famous discovery of the Turkana Boy. The most visible of the hominid gang members as this exclusive group is called, Kimeu is a past recipient of a presidential medallion; Order of the Grand Warrior (OGW) conferred on him in recognition of his contribution to the quest for the origins of humankind.
Kamoya poses with Prehistory Club of Kenya officials (from left) Mr. Francis Ndiritu, Mrs. Grace Kyalo and Dr. Fredrick Manthi, the Chair. Next to Dr. Manthi is Mr. Robert who works for NMK(pic courtesy of Nzuve)
To this end the Prehistory Club organised students of Nairobi school who recited a poem entitled 'mwana wa Kiturkana' in his honor and also the NMK had a beautiful cake prepared to as part of the wider celebrations to mark the opening of the Second NMK Science Conference which was graced by National Heritage Minister Hon. William Ole Ntimama and his PS. Prof. Jacob ole Miaron among a cabal of important guests including the Director General of the NMK Dr. Idle Farah and the Director of Research and Collections Dr. Helida Oyieke. This was to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Turkana Boy and also to officially hand over the medal that was awarded to Mr. Kamoya Kimeu by former US President Ronald Reagan at the White House. A special cake was prepared for this occasion too and the girls who recited the poem, did not disappoint. All in all, it was a good opportunity to not only underscore the place that Kenya holds in the preservation and contribution to science, but also to remember the faces behind the success.
Students of Nairobi School reciting a poem at the Conference opening; these bright students have a prehistory Club in the school which is helping spread the story of our past( pic courtesy of NMK)
The Prehistory Club of Kenya salutes this gallant son of Kenya whose individual and collective contribution has since rewritten the history of Humankind and put Kenya on the global map in as far as research in this important field is concerned. We sincerely thank the National Museums of Kenya for facilitating this important day.