Teachers Workshop
31st July- 2nd August, 2011
Louis Leakey Auditorium
31st July- 2nd August, 2011
Louis Leakey Auditorium
Evolution is the unifying concept of biology and has many practical applications in society, particularly in the area of human health. However, evolution can also be challenging to teach effectively. The Prehistory Club of Kenya is organizing a prehistory teachers' workshop sponsored by the Wenner Gren Foundation, U.S.A. which will help participants deal with student preconceptions, and demonstrate how to make evolution relevant for students. The workshop will avail to the teachers an opportunity to meet and chat with professional evolutionary biologists who both study and teach evolution. The workshop will discuss the challenges and opportunities encountered in a public conversation about human evolution, and will discuss what materials and resources are available to successfully convey the topic in both informal and formal learning environments; and finally, use humans as an example in teaching core evolutionary concepts.