KU students tour Earth Sciences Department
Lawrence Nzuve
It does seem that the story of our lives; origins better put, continue to awe and interest many people. This fact can never be over emphasized. The Earth sciences Department played host to a class of evolutionary biology students from the University of Kenyatta led by Prof. Mitei. The enthusiastic students were not disappointed as they were taken through the laboratory by Dr. Alfreda Ibui who is a Research Scientist in the paleontology section of the department and Victor Iminjili; a graduate student from the University of Georgia. Dr. Ibui took time to go through the different taxa stored on shelves and on the floor of this magnificent laboratory ranging from huge tortoise and turtle fossil carapace to the extinct skeletons of elephants and Rhinos.
Dr. Alfreda Ibui of the Earth Sciences Department with a one-on-one with Kenyatta University students. Prof Mitei (in the foreground) looks on (photos courtesy of Lawrence Nzuve)
Being two groups of students for convenience, Victor Iminjili a doctoral student from the University of Georgia took a second group round the laboratory and he too went through the paces. Students were really impressed as was evident from the way they asked questions and took note, Prof. Mitei also advised the students on the spot about the various openings that are available to them and also challenged them to take up this noble study. Having given them a brief history of early Research by both Louis and Mary, Prof. Mitei threw the challenge to the students to follow in the foot steps of the localized research work where trained Kenyan scientists are now making great discoveries
This is it! Victor stresses a point to Kenyatta University students (photos courtesy of Lawrence Nzuve)
If the concentration of the students was anything to go by, then this trip was indeed a success. It is hoped that this will spur their interest and also help them in answering most lingering questions on our origins and those of other animals who clearly have changed over time.
The faces that tell it all: these Kenyatta University students are dwarfed by an Elephant cranium at the paleontology Laboratory (photos courtesy of Lawrence Nzuve)
We would like to thank the head of Earth Sciences department, paleontology section and the archeology sections of the Earth Sciences department as well as Victor and Dr. Ibui who facilitated this beneficial trip to the laboratories, as well as Prof. Mitei who availed the students for this important tour